
Why this blog?

My intention in starting this blog is three fold:  For the glory and honor of God; in thanksgiving for my sons; so as not to be one of the silent any longer.

I know what I do here may not please the majority, but I trust that it will please God.  There is too much fear out there about offending each other.  In our effort to stay moderate are we offending God?  Are we allowing the murder of the most innocent?  Are we part of the problem?

I am the mother of three sons through adoption.  I am more thankful for my boys each day that I spend with them.  I have a connection to their birth-mothers that I can't put into words.  I don't know them, and yet they have given me the greatest gift I  could ever receive.  I have a constant desire to thank them, to give back to them.  Along  with being the best mother I can be to their sons, this blog is being offered as a prayer of thanksgiving for them and to them.

As so many others, I have spent the last year listening to, thinking about, praying about this presidential campaign.  In prioritizing the issues I kept coming back to the fact that one candidate was pro-life and one candidate was pro-abortion.  The closer we got to election day the more horrified I was that this is an "issue" at all.  In an effort to *do something*, anything, to appease my sense of helplessness I wrote a letter to my family and friends (see yesterday's post) in hopes of swaying their decisions.  In light of the outcome of the election my sense of helplessness can only be quieted by my decision not to be another one of the silent on the subject of abortion any longer.

Hopefully people who visit will be thinking and talking about the importance and reality of life right from the beginning.  My experience as an adoptive mother will spill in here and there, I hope quite appropriately.  Who knows, maybe some of us will even be inspired to take action that will save lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravo!!!!!!! I love the idea of having a blog to celebrate LIFE!!!!!! We have all been blessed in one way or the other, for me I am blessed to be an Aunt to so many nieces and nephews, and to be a witness to all the wonderful children my friends have. I pray that one day God will allow me to have my own children! I love your blog!!!!

Donna C