Today is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. I love his "I Have a Dream" speech. His eloquence and passion and poetry are enviable to me. Every single time I read this speech I get a huge lump in my throat. If you'd like to listen to it or read it go here.
There are many resources today that say the number of black abortions disproportionately outnumber white and hispanic abortions. Read this and this as just two examples.
I bring this up because as I re-read "I Have a Dream" this morning the following jumped out at me . . .
"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of it's creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are CREATED (emphasis added) equal.""
It doesn't say born equal - - - it says created equal.
I'll go out on a limb here and say that I don't think it was part of Dr. King's dream to have more abortion clinics in black neighborhoods than in white neighborhoods; or to read the above statistics about the number of black abortions.
Today ~ Dr. King's birthday and five days away from inaugurating the first black president ~ is as good a day as any to do something to end the destruction of what God has created, in His image.
I've posted an excerpt before of one of my favorite books, We and Our Children by Mary Reed Newland. This excerpt speaks of our creation ~
"What do you suppose it means - they made man in their image and likeness? It doesn't mean we look like God, because this happened in the very beginning, long before the Son of God came down to earth to take the form of a human baby. And it couldn't mean that He made us out of the same stuff as Himself, because God is not made out of stuff; God is a spirit, without a body. God never changes, but we change. So it couldn't be that we are like Him in our body, which changes every year and grows bigger and older all the time. It is the foreverness that he breathed into man that is like Him, the part of us that never dies, as God never dies. We are like Him deep inside, where our love comes from. That is the part of us we call our soul, and we cannot see it, or touch it, because, like God, it is a spirit."
It's NOT just a "blob of tissue". It's a soul, a living human soul. There may not be a body, but that's coming . . . if we let it. Doesn't it seem absurd that allowing another soul to become the person it was created to be would ever be a question . . . a choice? We need to think about this and talk about this as simply and plainly as Mrs. Newland did ~ "foreverness" ~ "never dies" ~ "where our love comes from" ~ "like God"
If you haven't already signed the petition to fight the so-called 'Freedom of Choice Act' please click on the link to the left to do so. If you don't know about praying a novena for life please scroll down to my previous post. If you're interested in attending a pro-life rally on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade and Doe vs. Bolton, January 22nd, please go to your state's Right to Life web-page.
"The time is always right to do what is right."~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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